Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
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Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA

Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Level of Excellence LOE Award Criteria

Database Scoring for (Geographic) Chapters

NOTE: This information will be obtained from MOAA’s Database. The questions are provided here so that Committee Module (CM) administrators may review and assess their own data on the CM. Updates must be made by close of business, Wednesday, 27 December 2023, in order for our staff to verify the 2023 data.

1. Chapter has designated Key Officers:

  • President
  • Secretary/Membership Chair
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Legislative Chair
  • Surviving Spouse Liaison

(2.5 pts/position = 15 pts total)

2. Percent of membership who are members of national MOAA:

  • 95% - 100% = 10 points
  • 80% - 94% = 5 points
  • 79% and below = 0 points

3. Key chapter officers (listed on question #1) opted-in to receive The MOAA Newsletter(2.5 pts/position = 15 pts total)

4. President and Legislative Chair/Liaison registered in MOAA's Legislative Action Center (5 pts/ea = 10 points)

Total Possible Points: 50

Self-Reported Scoring for Chapters (Maximum Total Points: 150)

Please describe your chapter's level of effort and results concerning the following 2023 chapter management subjects. Address each section in order in a complete and concise manner. Your input will be reviewed and scored by members of MOAA's Councils & Chapters Committee.

1. Advocacy: (35 points)

- Meetings with state or federal legislators, including any virtual activities
- Describe your relationships with elected officials, government and non-governmental organizations, etc.
- Describe your chapter/chapter members' participation in the national Advocacy in Action campaign, MOAA's Legislative Action Center, and/or the State Legislative Exchange Forum. *

0/2000 characters

2. Community Engagement and Outreach: (35 points)

- Use of MOAA Community Outreach Chapter Grants and/or Community Sponsorship Program
- Scholarship and JROTC/ROTC activities
- Other community outreach/service conducted by your chapter
- Collaboration with other VSOs/MSOs *

0/2000 characters

3. Recruiting and Retention: (23 points)

- What have you done to recruit younger (ages 40-60) members?
- How do you find and reach potential members?
- How do you keep your members engaged?
- How do you promote an environment where all new members feel welcome? *

0/2000 characters

4. Accessing the Near Real Time (NRT) Report (12 points)

How many months of the calendar year (2023) did a chapter officer access the NRT report?

5. Leadership Succession: (20 points)

- Describe how you identify and train future leaders.
- How do you mentor new leaders? Describe your method for selecting new leaders.
- Where is your process codified? (by-laws, standard operating procedures, etc.)
- How do you motivate and recognize your current leaders? *

0/2000 characters

6. Training: (20 points)

Describe training your chapter leaders have participated in. (e.g., leader workshops, roundtables, council and national collaboration, etc.) *

0/2000 characters

7. Does your chapter belong to a state council? (5 points) *

Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA
Pikes Peak Chapter MOAA

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